Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It Actually IS Easy being Green!

Did you ever stop to think of what the world will look like for our great-grandkids if we keep using and throwing away EVERYTHING?! And if that's not enough to change your ways.... did you know going green can save you TONS OF MONEY! "Going Green" does not have to mean living by candle light and killing your own food.... although I do know people who do this! For us it means following something we learned in first grade... REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE. Does anyone else remember this in grade school? What happened to this and why aren't they teaching it more? Here is an awesome article to get you started on easy ways to go green http://www.thedailygreen.com/green-homes/latest/save-money-megaflip?src=nl&mag=tdg&list=nl_dem

For our family, here is what we have done are plan to start doing immediately:
1. Start a Garden.. it's easy, fun, and a great way for the family to spend some time together.

2. Putting all our electronics on power strips (even the microwave and such and flip the switch when we are not using them).

3. Hanging laundry outside or using clothes bars inside during bad weather.

4. Keeping the freezer full.

5. Switched all our light bulbs to CFL's

6. Preserving much of our garden food in the summer for use all year.

7. Buying in season and from local growers.

8. Not buying paper towels.

9. Avoiding chemical cleaners. I clean mostly with vinegar and baking soda.

These are just a few things that we are doing right now. And I am hoping to do much much more soon. One thing I really want to do is get an energy audit and see what hidden energy sappers we've got in the house. I recommend this highly to you all. There are so many easy things you can do to help the earth and put a little more change in your pocket. How can you lose?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Almost Garden Time!

Well it is getting to be that awesome time of year... the time when we can start our garden! This year we are increasing the size by A LOT. I have reading up on canning, freezing, and dehydrating. How awesome would it be to not have to buy many veggies in the winter? I started some tomatoes inside just to see how it would work. I used the bottom half of milk jugs and on the sunny days put them outside and cover them with the top of the milk jug to create a little greenhouse. Will keep you posted on how well that works.
And I'm working on starting a compost pile. I had a thought the other day about what to use to keep it contained and to keep the dogs from rooting in it. I'm going to get one of those tall plastic laundry baskets and cut the bottom out. Then I'm going to sink it in the ground. This way it stays put and the air gets to it through the holes in the basket. I am a firm believer that compost does not have to be difficult!
This week I got back on schedule using meal plans and it works out great. I keep our meals so much healthier just by planning them. Last weekend I went through the fridge, freezer, and cupboards and took inventory. Then tried to schedule meals using those ingredients so I had minimal shopping to do. This is also good because we're replacing the kitchen in a couple weeks and I'm going to have to find a spot for all this food while it's being done!
One thing I need to work on this week is our budget! We've been spending TOO MUCH and not even realizing it. So I need to find a way to keep track of all our spending, big and small. I'll start there today. God Bless you all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Let's see how much I can change this year!

This is my very first blog post so I really have no idea what I'm doing... but I'll tell you a little about what I hope to accomplish this year for myself and my family. First and foremost is that the Lord has come back into our lives. I'm so excited and cannot wait to see what things he has planned for us this year.
Second, I am trying to get us into a healthier lifestyle. I have been doing Weight Watchers and am committing myself to losing weight and being around for a very long time. And I hope this will spread to the rest of my family.
The third thing I would like to work on this year is making us greener. We will be having a much larger garden this year. I would like to learn how to can food and freeze more of it. We were hoping to have chickens this year but it will have to wait until next year as Matt is so busy he probably won't have time to build a coop this year. I also hope to learn some basic sewing techniques (which you would think I would already know being that my mother is a seamstress but I never took the time to learn!) and to learn to crochet. The first thing we'll be doing is getting rid of paper towels and Clorox wipes.
I'm so looking forward to starting this journey and sharing it with everyone. Any and all advice, tips, and help concerning these things will be greatly appreciated. God Bless you all and may you all remember to reduce your footprint on this earth.